With many thanks, Victor Herrero-Arrieta acknowledges the Nançay Radio Observatory / Unité Scientifique de Nançay of the Observatoire de Paris (USR 704-CNRS, supported by Université d’Orléans, OSUC, and Région Centre in France) for providing access to NDA observations accessible online at http://www.obs-nancay.fr
Many thanks to: Taxpayers of France, French Air Force, Nancay Decametric Array Team at the Nancay Radio Astronomy Station of Paris Observatory.
SOHO Hotshots of the largest X-ray flares on record - Today's X9.4 did not break the record
The 2001 X20 :
"...At 21:51 UT, Monday 2 April 2001, active region 9393 unleashed a major solar flare. Now reclassified as at least an X20, it appears to be the biggest X-ray flare on record, most likely bigger than the one on 16 August 1989, also an X20 flare, and definitely more powerful that the famous 6 March 1989 flare which was related to the disruption of the power grids in Canada..."
HOT SOUNDS !! : "...A 1.3M WAV file with a type II solar radio burst at 50 MHz, recorded during the initial shock wave by Thomas Ashcraft in New Mexico..."
"...At 21:51 UT, Monday 2 April 2001, active region 9393 unleashed a major solar flare. Now reclassified as at least an X20, it appears to be the biggest X-ray flare on record, most likely bigger than the one on 16 August 1989, also an X20 flare, and definitely more powerful that the famous 6 March 1989 flare which was related to the disruption of the power grids in Canada..."
HOT SOUNDS !! : "...A 1.3M WAV file with a type II solar radio burst at 50 MHz, recorded during the initial shock wave by Thomas Ashcraft in New Mexico..."
Links to earlier Sun Earth Jupiter event posts: